Build church unity
Through collaboration within your entire church staff build unity across sermons, bible studies, and Sunday school to bring a unified message across all your services.
Speeds up your research
Too often we are bogged down sifting through tons of books and hundreds of tabs hunting for the right verse of commentary to help us solidify our message. Bible Explorers lightning fast AI does this work for you in minutes not days.
Build church message unity
With our powerful collaboration tools all of your Sunday School Teachers, Bible Study Teachers, Elders, Preachers, and Small Group Leaders can work together to plan a series and individual lessons so all your church messaging is unified.
Real time feedback
One of the hardest things to do is get feedback on your thoughts when planning a sermon or lesson before you deliver it. Bible Explorers chat allows you to talk with AI modeled Theologians from across the ages to get real time feedback on your ideas.
The Bible Explorers Writer Tool uses tried and tested prompts to help you prepare any document you can think of in ministry. From planning sermon series, preparing detailed notes, or doing deep comprehensive research simply fill in where you're trying to take the document and Bible Explorer will tackle the research and planning.
Chat with Church Fathers and Historians from across the ages with our custom-built AI chat bots trained to respond with the theologian's specific research and works in mind.
Collaborate with everyone on your church staff to create unified messages across all your services. From Sunday School, to Small Group, to Bible Study, to the Pulpit your messages can be in sync.
Revolutionize your Bible Study
With our powerful bible AI app. Spend more time becoming a Doer of the Word than simply a researcher of the Word, by removing the busy work of hunting down scripture.